Monday, March 16, 2009

How to Make Big Money with Online Video Traffic

Website traffic is what fuels a website. Without that fuel, the websites motor cannot run, therefore it breaks down. That is why you should know what
there is to know about how to interest web surfers enough that they do not have a choice but to visit your website. The one way in which you can
accomplish that is through video marketing.
Video content is growing in popularity because computers are capable of so much. At one time, trying to play a video on a computer seemed like a
huge operation, but that is not the case nowadays. Instead of sitting and reading pages upon pages of text, individuals prefer video. That is where you
need to capitalize, and you can do that through video marketing.
As for how you go about video marketing, you have to create a video about your company or your niche and submit it to the many websites around the
web in which you can place them. Everyday, you will find that video promotion is building the traffic for businesses. However you cant sit around and
submit to all of these websites manually. Because there are hundreds and even thousands of websites to submit to, it could literally take months if you
were to submit to them manually. That is why Traffic Geyser was created. It submits to websites automatically and even provides you with video
creation software if you need it.
Another important aspect of video marketing is being able to keep track of the campaigns. When submitting videos manually, keeping track of your
video promotion can be difficult. This is due to the fact that you have to keep your own record of what websites you submitted to, and you have to keep
an eye on these websites one-by-one in order to know their progress. Video submission software keeps everything in one place for you. You can view
such items as performance and the statistics for that performance.
So how does this work? The first thing you need to do is make your video, use video submission software like what is offered by Traffic Geyser,
choose where you want to submit your video, and then take it from there. You just need to remember that you have to monitor your video marketing.
Although you may have video submission software, you have to keep yourself knowledgeable when it comes to performance. The software does a lot
on its own, but the software simply makes it easier for you to know what is going on. In other words, it keeps a lookout for you.
As for what sort of video content you are using, you dont need a camera if you dont have one. As long as you have access to some sort of visual
media that gets the message across, everything should be fine. Video marketing doesnt mean you have to make a video that is spectacular. This is a
misconception that prevents some from utilizing video promotion. They feel that they have to have a video that looks like it was created in Hollywood in
order for it to be successful. The reality is that all you need is a good quality video creation software to make something great.
In lieu of all this, if you need to move your site along with some quality traffic, video marketing is that doorway you need. The web is a competitive
place, so there is no doubt as to why turning to video marketing is the way to get the word out about your business.

Why Use Entertainment- Education?

Entertainment-education has a long history. For thousands of years, entertaining stories have passed on wisdom and values from generation to generation. Modern E-E dates from the 1940s and 1950s, when radio dramas both informed and entertained farmers and their families: TheLawsons in Australia and The Archers in the United Kingdom motivated people to adopt agricultural innovations (96). To improve public health, E-E has encouraged people to exercise, eat more fruits and vegetables, and stop smoking (15, 20, 37), as well as to adopt family planning and avoid HIV infection. Miguel Sabido developed one of the first dramas with a family planning theme (see Many E-E dramas portray positive, negative, and transitional role models).

E-E uses various forms of entertainment. Dramas on radio and TV, animated cartoons, popular songs, street theater, and other formats can educate and motivate as they entertain (96). In E-E there is no clear dividing line between entertainment and education (26). The two should be seamlessly woven together.

As a part of family planning/reproductive health programs, E-E can help program managers meet objectives. E-E can increase demand for services, motivate people to protect their health, and demonstrate to providers how to improve care. E-E can help meet these objectives in several ways:

© 2001 Kevork Toranian, Courtesy of Photoshare
Two popular Jordanian singers, Ahmad Rami (left) and Qamar Badwan, perform the theme song at the launch of the Jordan youth campaign. The campaign encouraged young people to discuss family planning and reproductive health with their parents and, when married, with their spouses.
© 2001 Kevork Toranian, Courtesy of Photoshare

  • By showing behavior rather than just describing it. Observing others is one way that people learn and adopt a new behavior (see Theories Link Entertainment-Education and Motivation). For example, a TV drama in Bangladesh, Shabuj Chhaya, showed couples discussing family planning and visiting a clinic for antenatal care (8, 30). A radio drama in Nepal for health care providers, Service Brings Reward, provided information about family planning and demonstrated good counseling skills (47).

  • By addressing norms and beliefs that are deeply rooted in a society. Certain issues, such as dowry or early marriage, may be too sensitive to address in lectures. For example, in South Asia animated cartoons and comic books from the Meena Initiative portray the dangers of early marriage and early pregnancy and the advantages of allowing girls to finish school (114).

  • By attracting large audiences with an entertaining format. For example, the estimated audience for Soul City IV, a 1999 E-E campaign in South Africa to prevent domestic violence, was 16 million (115).

  • By attracting audiences that are hard to reach. Young people might not come to a lecture, but they enjoy a music video. For example, in 1986 an estimated 150 million people watched the launch of the Mexican music video “Cuando Estemos Juntos” (When We Are Together), which encouraged sexual responsibility (52). In isolated villages with few televisions or radios, people gather around a single receiver to watch or listen to each new episode of a serial drama (46, 62, 93, 119).

  • By offering formats to suit the scale and goals of most programs. E-E can be done on a small scale, such as puppet shows or street theater. It also can be done on a large scale—for example, through national broadcasts of radio and TV dramas or widespread distribution of photonovelas and comic books.

  • By costing little per person influenced via the mass media. Radio or TV dramas or songs can be expensive to produce, but with large audiences the cost per person motivated to change behavior can be a few dollars (40, 51, 74, 84).

Despite the reach and influence of E-E on demand for services and the quality of care, E-E programs by themselves cannot make up for all gaps in health care (67). To increase use of family planning and reproductive health services, E-E programs need to be matched with efforts to expand services and train and equip providers.

The Use of Computers in Entertainment

n today’s electronic era computers have a hand in almost everything. Entertainment is no exception, in fact with the coming of digital information has made one of its greatest leaps. Movies, games, music, even books that that are simple and easy as it is have been impacted greatly by computers. But how far is too far? Music is now stolen, movies the same, games can be hacked and broken into with simple programs. As technology continues, more and more information will be taken, changed, stolen, and laws will then be made to try to stop all of this. But all they really need is a good middle ground to work towards or land on.

With the coming of DVD’s computers moved into a big portion of the video industry. But with it came the ability to take a movie off of the disk and distribute it over user sharing programs. Many companies have tried to solve this problem by adding programs and such to the disks so that the information cannot be stolen. This does not stop DVD pirating, but it does cut down on the burning of DVDs. CD’s have als...
What is Entertainment?

In a world where we find ourselves ever more overwhelmed by—and drawn to—bright images and flashing screens, it is worth asking a few questions about that most important of consumer goods: entertainment. What makes entertainment entertaining? Why do we need it, or do we? What is entertainment, anyway?

These are a few of the questions I set out to answer in a class I taught a year or so ago: Entertainment in America. And while we couldn’t quite come up with satisfactory answers, even after a semester of reading and discussion, I’d like to try to set down a few of the thoughts that came out of that course here. But I don’t want to shove the partial answers I’ve come to down your throat—that’s no fun for anybody. Rather, what I’ll do in the following is offer a list of questions that you might ask yourself, along with a few resources that might be worth looking at as you search for your own answers to these increasingly crucial questions. I’ll also note, from time to time, the conclusions I have tentatively reached regarding these questions.

Are you ready? Here goes…

What is entertainment? (Too obvious, but we’ll come back to it. If you keep this question in mind as you go down the list, you may find a definition beginning to come together. Try it out.) Even if you know it when you see it, does it bother you if you can’t come up with a good definition of what it actually is?

Is there such a thing as "only entertainment"?
Only Entertainment—Bad Religion
That’s Entertainment—The Jam
That’s Entertainment—Judy Garland
When you read the lyrics of The Jam’s and Bad Religion’s songs, and read about the history of the Judy Garland highlights film, what is your sense of the kind of material that makes for entertainment?

Who needs entertainment? What for? When you are entertained, what are you feeling? Read a Dilbert or Doonesbury comic strip, and try to record what happened inside of you while you were looking at the comic. Did you feel happier? A sense of release? The resolving of tension? Was that entertainment? Would you say that reading the comic strip was the same kind of experience as watching a television show? How? How not?

Are some kinds of entertainment better for you than others? Which kinds? Is it better to play internet poker or to watch a video? Try doing each for a little while and record your feelings. Was one more entertaining than the other? How? Why? Did one make you more aggressive? Less likely to do something productive in the world around you? Did either change the way you felt about yourself? How?

One of the things I was struck by while teaching this course was the way entertainment can work as a substitute for action. If I can identify with a character on TV—on a soap opera, for instance—then I get to feel all the feelings that character feels, without having to do the actions that result in those feelings. I get to feel jealous without having a cheating spouse, excited by the intrigue of adultery without being an adulterer, and intimate without ever actually talking to a living human being. In short, I get to feel. Some researchers believe that feelings are the way we human beings experience our world most fully, but is there a price to pay when we feel our emotions in a way that’s disconnected from the physical world around us?

That is, if we get to feel feelings without taking risks, do we start to lose our ability to risk emotion in the "real world"? I don’t have a definite answer to that for you, but I do have one for me. I’ve come to the conclusion that entertainment is—while maybe necessary for emotional and psychological health—definitely a dangerous substance. Like fire. So, for my part, I’ll still watch a film now and then. But I’ll also think afterwards about how watching that film, getting that emotional satisfaction, affects my ability to act in the real world. You might consider doing the same; it actually turns out to be pretty entertaining.

Slank - Generasi Biru [Full Album 2009]

Slank Not Acting in the 'Generasi Biru'.
When the film syuting 'Generasi Biru' of Garin Nugroho, the band with a million fans, Slank not have trouble means. In fact, according to Bimbim, itself does not remove the ability his acting slightest.

"Not much we play it. So freely explore what we do acting," said Bimbim at a press conference in the 'Generasi Biru' in FX Plaza, Jl. Jend Sudirman, South Jakarta, (11/2/2009).

Only Kaka is a constraint, it is difficult to wake up when sleep should syuting morning. "His calling too early", said the vocalist.

However, to realize the goal to use film, the band that already exist since 1983 that have to be willing to wait for 25 years. Until now, the personnel shall not be Slank imagine what happens as the film is also actress star Nadine Chandrawinata it.

"No show happens this movie is like. Slank actually have the intention of ever since a long time, 25 years ago", said a word.

Slank is deliberately to give the title 'Generasi Biru' film in their prime. Bimbim reveal that the blue band is the philosophy of the album owners 'Anthem For The Broken hearted it'.

"Biru is the philosophy of Slank. Slank want successor generation blue like blue sky, wide and deep oceans", said Bimbim.

Track List:
01 Slank Title Hits Song 'Slank Dance'.
02 Slank Title Hits Song 'Monogami'.
03 Slank Title Hits Song 'Generasi Biroe'.
04 Slank Title Hits Song 'Bang Bang Tut'.
05 Slank Title Hits Song 'Gossip Jalanan'.
06 Slank Title Hits Song 'Terbunuh Sepi'.
07 Slank Title Hits Song 'Pulau Biru'.
08 Slank Title Hits Song 'Loe Harus Grak'.
09 Slank Title Hits Song 'Missing Person'.
10 Slank Title Hits Song 'Utopia'.
11 Slank Title Hits Song 'Bendera ½ Tiang'.
12 Slank Title Hits Song 'Indonesiakan Una'. (Live)
13 Slank Title Hits Song 'Mars Slankers'. (Live)
14 Slank Title Hits Song 'Cekal'. (Remake '09)
15 Slank Title Hits Song 'Koepoe Liarkoe'.